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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Early May Garden on a Dreary, Rainy Day in Connecticut

...but I'm still thrilled with the promise it holds! Soon color will burst all along this path.

I came back from a run in the rain (which is drizzly and every day this past week) and decided I'd best start documenting the garden for this year. The only area with blooms to speak of is below with these camassia.

But these alliums are getting ready.

This is the only yellow tulip left in the garden--the deer and neglect have taken care of the rest.

I thought I'd post some gray jewels along with the garden pictures taken on this gray day.

These taupe and silver pearl sticks are an old design of mine that I have redone for the shop.

And anyone that knows me knows labradorite and champagne citrine is my all time fave combination--made into delicate earrings here with aquamarine.

Here's hoping your life's garden is also full of promise through the rain.